Please call between 11-12.30 to enquire about your test results as our reception staff will have more time to deal with your request between these times.

Note that the practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection and we will only release test results to the person to whom they relate unless that person has given prior permission for the release of this.

When you take your test you will be told how long it will be before the results are returned to the practice.

It is your responsibility to check your results and to make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor if you are advised to do so.


Blood test is when a sample of blood is taken for testing in a laboratory. Those can be booked only if requested by your GP or consultant.


A cervical screening test is a free test to check the health of your cervix. During cervical screening a small sample of cells is taken from your cervix for testiNG. Find out when your next cervical screening test is due on https://apps.cervicalcheck.ie/check-eligibility/when-is-my-next-smear-test-due.596.checkeligibilityv2.html


Involves a consult with GP & tests with practice nurse

For men, you will be asked to give a urine sample into a small bottle. Men should not urinate (pee) for two hours before giving a urine sample. Sometimes a swab is used to take a sample from inside the top of the penis. This will depend on what your symptoms are and will be explained to you by the doctor.

For women, a swab is taken from the vagina. This can be done by the doctor or nurse and sometimes by yourself.                                                                                                                 

Women and men will also have blood tests to check for viral or bacterial infections.             

You can order a free STI testing kit through https://sh24.ie/